Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Stag and Chalice

Awarded to Gunwaldt in March 13, 2010 by Bela and Anna.

The scroll was made by Rosslin Katrin Von Hohenzollern. The notes from the back are here:

The passing of Leif Ivarson

Being old, my memories of Leif Ivarson are most vivid from when he was a young man, not yet a squire, not a knight. I knew him through those stages. I knew him as he served as king, and grew older, but he moved and I took refuge within walls.

On Tuesday, July 13, he died in an accident at work. One memorial page is here, and if anyone who reads this knows of others, please leave a note below.

This photo was taken just over a week before his death, at Battlemore, by Gabrielle Angel Dee Lilly: