Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Local groups sites, and a GREAT map

Some of you probably know about this map, but it's just wonderful:
Map of the Known World. On mouseover, you see a kingdom's arms, and if you click you have information and links to the kingdom's page and to their local groups page.

I found it very indirectly, but I've linked it here on my links page so I can find it again, but it's "googleable" and now it's here, too.

Before I found that, I was looking at the website of the Baron of Skraeling Althing and then I looked at their canton of Caldrithig site, which has this line-up of links:

CaldrithigBarony of Skraeling AlthingKingdom of EaldormereThe Society for Creative Anachronism

I wasn't doing SCA things this morning at all. I was reading the blog of a new unschooler (and some other current and related blog posts), and it led to an SCA reference, which led to a personal SCA blog... there I was. Forgot all about unschooling and was jumping magically from barony to barony all over Ealdormere until I remembered to come back home.

So, no hurry on this question, but if you're by here and know of an SCA group's site that is really spiff or has some element you think is commendable, please leave a note!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Current topics on ThinkWell list

The ThinkWellTNG discussion list has been busy lately with bio and link exchanges (which I'm collecting nearly as fast as they come in, and those on the list can get to the list), and these topics:

is the SCA's competition pulling ahead? (and what IS the SCA's competition?)
what does the SCA do best?
history of law
writing, teaching (what about people whose favorite activity is research?)
and a couple of split off topics:

flash, respectability and morbidity
work, laziness

That list is here: