Monday, April 14, 2008

History: collecting and dissemination

Rhonwen's page on Outlandish V and related bits.

I love Mistress Rhonwen's history pages, and there's a link that will get you to the rest.

Here's something I sent in an e-mail to someone who's been in the SCA longer than I have and with whom I'm still in contact.

Another part of filing and cleaning up. I keep coming to history stuff that's not Outlands history, so I'm putting it as personal history if I have a tie-in. While I was looking for some things for the Wednesday night discussion, I found a diary from 1975 to 1978 or so, and so look what's there on 1978.

and here's the page I sent her:

There are a couple of drawings William Blackfox did of me in October 1994 (and more of the day, at the chronicle link).

So there's a new and different way for me to gather and make available (to me with a search, which is nice) where I was (and Gunwaldt, and many other people) at various times. I'll keep adding to it as I come across things, and when I'm putting things in there I can add to the Outlands History blog, too.

Remember that anyone can add comments and memories and links to other accounts or photos there! Please bookmark it and if you come across any accounts or memories, or if you want to go and put comments about awards you got or when your first event was or anything, it will be there.